Monday, January 31, 2011

Inspiration - FINALLY!

So tonight was one of the first days I am starting to feel normal, and I went to spin class to keep the good going. I'm not sure if it was the blood pumping through my veins, the sweat dripping all over, or the endorphins, but I dreamt up a new bag idea while pedaling along in class. I was zoning out, staring at my instructor's gym bag sitting on the ground, when I realized that it would be such a great idea to re-create the bag out of my recycled "fabric" (among other things!).

Then I got super excited because I figured out how to make it in my head. My grandmother used to always tell me about her mom who could see something in the window at a store and go home and make it. Her name was Anna, so once I finish this bag, it will become the Anna bag, in her honor.

Pictures to post soon!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're feeling better and can't wait to see pictures! xoxo
