Monday, January 31, 2011

Inspiration - FINALLY!

So tonight was one of the first days I am starting to feel normal, and I went to spin class to keep the good going. I'm not sure if it was the blood pumping through my veins, the sweat dripping all over, or the endorphins, but I dreamt up a new bag idea while pedaling along in class. I was zoning out, staring at my instructor's gym bag sitting on the ground, when I realized that it would be such a great idea to re-create the bag out of my recycled "fabric" (among other things!).

Then I got super excited because I figured out how to make it in my head. My grandmother used to always tell me about her mom who could see something in the window at a store and go home and make it. Her name was Anna, so once I finish this bag, it will become the Anna bag, in her honor.

Pictures to post soon!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Year Blues

I cannot seem to get over this post-holiday, new year, winter blues funk...and it doesn't help that I have been down and out for the past 5 days with what I refuse to call the flu (but am pretty certain it was). My hands are craving knitting needles, my feet the sewing machine pedal. My body is wanting to be creative, and yet my brain is sooooo fuzzy.

To keep my spirits up, here is an image of the save the date magnets I made most recently...